Vocals, Guitar, Music:
Antonello Brunetti
Written by, Recorded, Mixing, Mastering:
Antonello Brunetti
Cover: Painting by Pasquale Guarino Art www.pasqualeguarinoart.com/
Thanks to its healing frequencies in 432hz, this song has the ability to clean the Auras and places (A room, a yoga studio, etc), getting rid of all the energetic waste accumulated during the time. It also has the ability to reconnect with our higher self and our inner intuition, much needed in this challenging time we are living. Therefore the song can be used to meditate, during therapy sessions, yoga practice, or as a relaxing moment for ourselves. You can use it in your lessons if you are a yoga teacher, during treatments if you are a therapist, or in your own time to work on yourself, relax and heal.
This music has the ability to clean the Auras and places, and to reconnect with our higher self and inner intuition.
This music works on the element of Water, connected to our 2nd chakra, creativity and expression.